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   頂禮上師長壽佛尊Homage to Guru Amitayus. O Amitayus the immortal Buddha of Infinite Life,


   自然本智不變大恆常The ever present primordial wisdom,


   勝義精藏不動本性身The essence body pure and unalterable,




   祈禱賜予長壽諸悉地I pray for you to grant all accomplishments of long life.


   勝伏死主諸魔尊聖母O Usnisavijaya the conqueror of the lord of death and demons of deception,


   無量長壽如意輪度母White Tara of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel with life beyond limit,


   無量如海有情賜安慰You give solace to ocean-like beings.


   持教聖者蓮足祈永住I pray for you to bless this great teacher who upholds the teachings of the Buddha to remain long.


   瑪拉德嘎岩洞修長壽O Padmasambhava who performed long life practice in Maratica Cave,


   獲勝悉地無死蓮花生And attained rainbow body as the supreme accomplishment of deathlessness,


   成就天尊仙人諦實語By the words endowed with the power of truth from you and these of enlightened celestial beings,


   金剛持尊百劫久住世May this supreme guide no different from Vajradhara live for hundreds of eons.


   覺醒俱生正法善習氣You have awakened the spontaneous noble qualities of true Dharma in you.


   修學智慧通達顯密義You master all the sutras and tantras through study and practice.


   諸行普賢堪為教法嚴You are the majesty of Dharma manifest in pure vows and precepts and deeds of all goodness.


   披奉壞色衣尊祈久住May you the venerable monk with strict disciplines long remain.


   發心廣大如日光普照Your aspiration is as vast as the sun shines its rays.


   開啟眾生利樂之蓮花Your altruistic acts make the lotus petals of beings benefit and happiness open.


   弘法利生美名遍四洲Your renown of Dharma activities spread all over the four continents.


   佛子勇士蓮足祈久住May you the Bodhisattva warrior long remain.


   教理速顯智慧無礙者You are swift in mastering all teachings and unobstructed in insight.


   超越如海經續諸論典Your transcendent wisdom transcends all sutras, tantras and commentaries.


   稀有功德善妙無倫比Your merit is rare, superior and unsurpassable.


   一切智者頂飾祈久住May you the wisdom teacher who is the crown of the wise long remain.


   三藏教法四續部密義You expound the Three Baskets of sutra and the four classes of tantra.


   無礙宣演恆轉妙法輪You constantly turn the supreme wheel of Dharma without hindrance.


   開啟眾生智慧之睡蓮You awaken the dormant wisdom of beings like the moon making water lilies bloom.


   如月語自在尊祈久住May you the moon-like teacher skillful in words long remain.




   散發教證佛法之光芒You make the light of the teachings shine,

   Especially at the time when the Dharma wanes.



   講修事業如海遍東西You spread the teachings and its practices in all directions of the world.


   聲名具義上師祈久住May you the authentic teacher long remain.








   前譯唯一莊嚴祈久住You teach with ease the Great Perfection you have practiced and attained,

   Based on the self-perfected ground of primordial nature,

   And through the superior path of realizing the innate essence of clear light.

   May you the noble holder of the Nyingma lineage long remain.



   智慧通達精勤普賢行You are omniscient in wisdom and diligent in all compassionate acts.


   恆時傾注利他之事業You unceasingly devote yourself to altruistic activities.


   依於菩薩發心威神力By the formidable power of your great aspirations,


   事業如海尊者祈久住May you whose Dharma activities are deep and vast like the ocean long remain.








   補處聖者蓮足祈久住The compassionate king Jigme Phuntsok Jungné is beyond samsara and nirvana.

   His name connotes fearlessness and perfection and his teachings bring forth benefit and happiness.

   He is the Buddha holding the noble banner in this contaminated world.

   May you the successor of this Dharma king long remain.





   三根諸佛菩薩之加持By the power of my fervent praying and wish,

   The blessing of the three roots and all buddhas and bodhisattvas,





   惟願不變如海劫久住May the vajra throne of you who upholds the teachings of the Buddha,

   Long remain and unchanging for an ocean of eons.









































































































[此帖子已經被作者於2018/5/16 下午 08:48:08編輯過]
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