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敏林堪千仁波切~ 調整動機發心與恆常功德迴向

敏林堪千仁波切~ 調整動機發心與恆常功德迴向



Vassa ( 雨、結夏安居 )乃源自巴利文vasso、梵語varsah,亦稱為雨安居( Rains Retreat) 。佛教徒於雨季時節奉行為期三個月的安居。於此期間僧尼皆安住於精舍或寺廟。在某些寺院,僧眾於雨季致力於密集禪修,一些佛教的居士則於雨季期間選擇致力於較多禁欲的修持,諸如禁食肉品、禁酒與禁菸。(不於雨季外出雲遊,以避免行者於雨季誤踐作物、傷害蟲蟻生靈甚至自身,此乃印度拖缽修道者長久以來的習俗。)此傳統據說源自釋迦牟尼佛時代,


今年度敏卓林結夏安居將自藏曆六月十五日展開,至藏曆七月三十日圓滿。( 2012/8/2~9/16 )



















1. 驕傲地誇耀自己的善行。

2. 懊悔(例如懊惱捐獻) 。





此外,倘若我們將功德迴向,功德與日益增;一如惡業之隨日增加,迴向的功德亦是隨日增上,其善果將臻大於初始之善。譬如《般若經 》(The Sutra of Twenty-Five Thousand Stanzas) 中提及:將小善德之功德迴向一切有情究竟之證悟,其功德遠大於終生供養世上所有的羅漢和辟支佛,卻未曾將功德迴向。




















     懇請廣而告之:印度敏卓林佛學院2012結夏安居齋糧暨五十萬盞明燈燈供•放生大法會】: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=4495&prev=4504&next=4461


謝謝您 ~ 祝福您歡喜清心


Vassa (from Pali - vasso, Sanskrit varṣaḥ,both "rain" - also called Rains Retreat is the three-month annual retreat observed by Buddhist practitioners. Taking place during rainy seasons, Vassa lasts for three lunar months. During the time of Vassa, monks and nuns remain in monasteries and temples. In some monasteries, monks dedicate the Vassa to intensive meditation. Some Buddhist lay people choose to observe Vassa by adopting more ascetic practices, such as giving up meat, alcohol, or smoking. It was a long-standing custom for mendicant ascetics in India not to travel during the rainy season as they may unintentionally harm crops, insects or even themselves during their travels. It is said that the tradition began during the time of Shakyamuni.,so like other ascetic traditions of his day, the Buddha responded to requests to have his disciples to take up temporary residence in one location rather than wandering about. This period of time is used for intensive meditation practice, and repented their errors,study and teaching.


This year summer retreat in Mindrolling will began on the 15th of the 6th Tibetan lunar month and end on the 30th of the 7th lunar month.


Before Summer retreat , I would like to share you all :

No matter what one does, he/she should always check his/her motivation first. Always correct ones motivation if it is negative. Just as H.H.Partul Rinpoche will ask his disciple to perform gatha chanting (for a time lapse of 108 beads) in advance to adjust his motivation before doing anything


Second, see one’s wishes for oneself and others.

As the monks and nuns stay in summer retreat, lay practiseners can also participate by being vegetarian, and doing more meditation or dharma practices. If it is possible, try not to harm any beings. Accumulate more merits. Read more dharma books to get more information on dharma, or receive teachings, and try to meditate on the teachings. Always remind oneself to be aware of one’s actions. Pray for the dead and also for living beings. These are practices which a lay person can do. No matter what one does, big or small, please always dedicate the merits to all sentient beings.


Dedication is very important.

I hope you all can realize , the dedication of merit taught in the Buddhadharma is one of the most vital and profound part of spiritual practice and a unique aspect of the Buddha’s teachings, which is not found in the other forms of spirituality.

The reason why we are still suffering in samsara is that we have not gathered the accumulations of merit and wisdom. Although we have performed numerous positive deeds over many lifetime, we have never dedicated this merit to the achievement of full enlightenment for all sentient beings. Thus when the positive karma ripens, it simply leads to some temporary positive states or happiness which will be used up in time. Therefore, when our merit finishes, we will lose that happiness and simply fall back into suffering.


By dedicating our merits to supreme awakening for all beings, although we will also experience positive results and well-being from that merit, it will not be used up until the ultimate aim of your dedication, which is supreme enlightenment for all beings, is achieved. Thus, dedicating our merit is like adding a drop of water to an ocean, and the ocean never dries up, and the drop of water is never exhausted. The ocean is likened to the vastness of the purpose to which our merit (a drop of water) is directed to.


Another reason why we dedicate our merits is because in the teachings it is said that ‘a hundred eons of generosity and moral discipline can be destroyed in one moment of anger’.


We might also spoil our merits by the following ways:

1. Boasting of our positive deeds out of pride


2. Regretting, e.g., regretting a donation not only destroys your virtue but may also lead to negative imprints of stinginess leading to karmic results like rebirths as hungry ghosts, poverty etc.


Therefore, it’s very important to dedicate merits in a timely manner, ie. after one performs positive deed, one should try to remember to dedicate the merits immediately as negative emotions or other conditions that lead to spoilage of merit can arise at any time.


Furthermore, if we dedicate our merits, the merits increase every day. Just as negative karma increases everyday, dedicated merits increase every day so the fruition of the virtue becomes greater than the initial merit.

For example, the Sutra of Twenty-Five Thousand Stanzas says that there is more virtue and power in dedicating a small virtuous action to full awakening than sponsoring this entire world filled with Arhats and Pratyekabuddhas their entire lives without dedicating your merit.


So I hope and pray that this year people could make more effort of strengthening their dharma practices to deeper understanding.

Everything is impermanence so is our life, which is unpredictable. So when we have the ability to make a difference to benefit oneself or others, I think it is wise to give more priority to it. We all knew that , each year we are getting older and not young anymore.But ,Some people don’t have enough time to sit and eat, always working or moving because of their jobs and work.

So this time just for this summer retreat, I hope people can just sit and think how one is living a life. What is the purpose of doing so much and ultimately one dies, and what one can take with him/her when he/she dies. This is very important to think now when one has the ability to think.


Some people think dharma is meant for older people or for monks and nuns etc., or some think they will practice dharma when they retire.

However, no one can guarantee if he/she will live that long,

or he/she will have time to practice dharma.

~~~ Minling Khenchen Rinpoche


◎溫故知新• 您可以瞭解更多:
【尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切與您分享的心靈小語(1) 】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=2664&prev=2695&l=f&fid=7

【尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切與您分享的心靈小語(2) 】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=4372&prev=4461&next=4309&l=f&fid=16




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