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敏卓林•怙主敏林堪千仁波切的開示 ~~無常 & 心

敏卓林•怙主敏林堪千仁波切的開示 ~~無常 & 心

....................................【 敏林堪千仁波切的開示:無常 】






Our lives are fragile and impermanent, and because death and its causes are uncertain, we may succumb at any moment. No one knows when, or how, death will come. No one knows when this life of ours will simply cease. There is not one thing in existence that is stable and lasts.

In the past, when the Buddha was alive surrounded by multitudes of Arhats and when the teachings prospered, what buildings must their benefactors have built for them! It was all impermanent; there is nothing left to see now but an empty plain. In the same way, at the universities of Nalanda, thousands of panditas spent their time instructing enormous assemblies. All impermanent! Now, not even a single monk or volume of Buddha's teachings are to be found there.

Therefore we should make up our minds that we will practise the Dharma instead of throwing our lives away in meaningless activities. We should use our human lives to accomplish the Buddha-dharma.It is like crossing the ocean in search of precious jewels and afterwards returning home with every kind of precious jewels; the difficulties of the trip will have been well rewarded. It would be a shame to come back empty-handed! If we have understanding of impermanence, we will be able to practise the sacred teachings. But if we continue to think that everything will remain as it is, it goes to show that an uncertainty of death has never touched our hearts. That is our mistake, our delusion















   都會促成業行 ;而業行,
















The root of Dharma is your mind. Tame it and you are practicing the Dharma.
To practice Dharma is to tame your mind- And when you tamed it, then you will be free! 

The mind is nothing but thoughts. The stream of consciousness, which is empty, is carried away by thoughts that are likewise empty. Whatever we do, for good or ill, it is our mind that is the true agent. This is how mind falls and remains in the six realms of samsara. It is the mind itself that fabricates samsara, and it does so because it fails to recognize its own nature.

The mind is king, and body and speech are servants which must do its bidding. It is the mind that conceives faith and the mind that conceives doubt; it is mind that conceives love and the mind that conceives hatred. The mind is the root of every defilements. It is here that anger is born; and from anger every kind of hurt and injury to others. The mind is the soil in which all this grows: all malevolence, envy, desire, stupidity, arrogance and so forth. It is because of these defilements that we accumulate actions that prevent us from escaping from samsara. That is why Buddha told us that we should completely subdue our minds and to get a grip on our minds. Having realized that the mind is the root of all affliction, we must be vigilant in keeping it under control, holding down our defilements as much as we can.

Taming the mind and making it positive needs perseverance.
If you gain control over your mind, then even if you are at the point of death, you will understand that it is only because of a particular thought that there is an impression of dying- but that the nature of the mind is utterly beyond both birth and death.

Those who have a sense of shame are careful how they act;
Careful in their actions, they are self-possessed;
Self-possessed, they keep their vows and pledges(Promise);
Keeping vows and pledges, they will have accomplishment.

Lord Buddha said: 

        Alas! Samsara is born from karma,
        From karma, happiness and unhappiness are made,
        Whenever conditions are gathered,
        They make karma,
        And karma makes happiness and unhappiness again. 

Karma is the activity of cause and result. All beings with dualistic mind are continually creating karma. There are many different methods according to different beings' capacities for purifying the karma of dualistic mind. 

Hinayana Practitioners: Through aversion to the suffering of samsara, try to abandon the cause of karma, which are ego and the passions that arise from ego, in order to attain the enlightenment of self peace. 

Mahayana Practitoners: Try to realize that there is no prossessor of a self and no possessor of phenomena, so therefore all phenomena become illusory with the freedom of nonattachment, which automatically opens immeasurable compassion towards beings who do not realize this, in order to attain enlightenment for the benefit of countless beings. 

Vajrayana Practitioners: Through the perception of deity appearance, try to transform all karmic phenomena through nondualistic wisdom mind in order to attain enlightnement in the immeasurable, pure mandala of all Buddhas. 

Kunkhyen Longchen Rabjam said

        Self-arising awareness, the absolute sun,
        Is obscured by both white and black clouds of virtue and nonvirtue.
       The effort of attachment to acceptance and rejection is a turbulent lightning 
          The rainfall of delusion's happiness and suffering continuously descends;
          Samsara's seed produces the abundantly growing crops of the six realms.
          Alas! all tormented sentient beings are pitiful.

( 此二文已收錄於The Eastern Sun volume006


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