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*** 1985年 安陽仁波切, 於日本 奈良公園之特殊法照

*** 1985年 安陽仁波切, 於日本 奈良公園之特殊法照


 此為  安陽仁波切(K.C. Ayang Rinpoche), 於24年前(1985)在日本傳授頗瓦法後, 於奈良公園所照,


Rinpoche believes the real presence of the Buddha Amitabha is with this photo and has said, 'I am praying that whoever keeps this photo with strong confidence and devotion will become inseparable with the Buddha Amitabha's mercy and compassion'.


以下貼文節錄自Dr.Michael W. Fox之文章
《India's Peaceable Kingdom
The Light of Compassion for All Beings》 

In July 1985 the first Phowa course by the Ven. K.C. Ayang Rinpoche was held in Tokyo, Japan. After the course Rinpoche made a short visit to holy places in Kyoto and Nara, the ancient capitals of Japan. On the 26th of July a photo was taken of Rinpoche with some deer in Nara Park. When the photo was developed a clear rainbow appeared on the print. Many people have asked about the photo and this is the background to it.
On that day many photos were taken in the park but I clearly remember taking this one as Rinpoche went and sat with the deer and said, 'Take a photo now.' This was the only time that he had asked for a photo to be taken.

After the photo was developed I asked Rinpoche why he thought the rainbow had appeared and what it could mean. He told me that while he was sitting with the deer he had been strongly wishing that they could all go directly to the Buddha Amitabha Pure Land after this life and that the Buddha Amitabha would make contact with them from that moment. It is his belief that the Buddha Amitabha made contact with the deer at the time the picture was taken and that the power of His blessing appeared in rainbow form.

At the time the photo was taken no rainbow was visible and there was no rain. It was a clear, sunny afternoon and none of the other photos had any rainbows or light effects although all were taken under the same light conditions within a short space of time. It is also interesting that the place where the photo was taken, Nara Park, is considered to be sacred ground and the meeting point of several "lay lines" (lines of energy in the Earth that seem to be linked with the location of major holy sites and buildings). This park contains three of Japan's most revered shrines and temples including Todaiji, an important Buddhist temple famous for its huge statue of the Buddha Vairocana(毘盧遮那佛,大日如來).

Rinpoche believes the real presence of the Buddha Amitabha is with this photo and has said, 'I am praying that whoever keeps this photo with strong confidence and devotion will become inseparable with the Buddha Amitabha's mercy and compassion'.
Dr. Michael W. Fox文中所提之地點即奈良公園(Nara Park)

[此帖子已經被作者於2017/3/16 上午 12:04:17編輯過]
2006/9/15 上午 07:13:49

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