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給沉溺在手淫中的你一封信 (英文版)
For indulges your believes you in the masturbation
to be good! I believed you should hear " extremely evil obscene is first " this speech!Perhaps you did not understand,Thought must be visits a brothel or the adultery is evil obscene,Actually,Lives together.The mouth is obscene.Italy obscene and the masturbation and so on also is evil obscene,In other words,Besides carries on the sex act with the legal spouse is not evil obscene,Any reads obscenely.Once the obscene itinerant was the evil obscene o person has violated evilly obscene,祇 is not transports the potential to meet not not well,Healthy.The interpersonal relationship and the academic honor also meet one and were finished o I this are doing best to convince advise you,Is not is threatening you,If you do not believe speech,Invites you to each big temple temple presentation copy place,Brings back to " long-lived Kang Bao鑑 ".“god of literature cloudy zhi Wen " and the " remote antiquity induces straight to speak " these three book careful looking at,You can know I said am really perhaps the vacation,Please remember,Certainly must go to look looked,In order to avoid you because always indulges in the masturbation,But killed own academic honor and glorious future o
actually,Must swear off the masturbation not to be difficult,You 祇 had sincerely to record two matters to be possible at times to accomplish,One, raises the head three feet to have the gods:The gods all are looking anytime and anywhere we for friendly or you let the gods for wicked o see you in the masturbation,This also had,Also too unreasonable o two has violated evilly obscene has been able to let the academic honor seize:Once your academic honor has been seized,You laboriously read since childhood the present,All turns is being Bai Gong,Later you only will be able to depend on are the hard labor to live,You want?
In order to does not let oneself transport the potential.Health.Interpersonal relationship and academic honor variations,Even is seized,Asks you certainly to have to set firm resolve to swear off the masturbation,I refuel in this for you.Refuel!
Purification passion version http://www.buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/index.asp?boardid=5
Violates the obscenity to confess http://lookbooks.org/big5/course1-1.The html
evil obscene retribution in this life (dream awakes scholar to write) http://book.bfnn.org/article/0273.htm
The remote antiquity induces ~ volume of luck to disappear road of http:// disasterbook.bfnn.org/article2/1451.htm
jade experience paper money in circulation during the yuan http://book.bfnn.org/article2/1471.htm
The sage guan god abstains obscenely after explains http://book.bfnn.org/article2/1750.htm
punishment in the next world obscene law http://book.bfnn.org/article2/1751.htm
every four has taught http://book.bfnn.org/article2/1732.htm
Long-lived Kang Bao鑑 the vernacular translates http://book.bfnn.org/books3/2040.htm
ps:Confucian classics entire Taiwan each place free becomes a buddhist get to know welcome to demand http://www.lifetv.org.tw/center/center1.htm
Buddha education center
please this article retention! When you have the masturbation desire! Please attentively well have a look this article! Sets firm resolve no longer the masturbation! Your destiny will be able to change! 
And please forward or telling the human ~ boundless beneficence which knew for you!

一切有為法 如夢幻泡影 如露亦如電 應做如是觀
2007/2/12 下午 12:45:49

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