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一、                當她依照父母的意思許配給丈夫時,她必須親切與慈悲的對待她的丈夫,晚睡早起,仔細照顧丈夫,對丈夫說話時親切愉悅,不尖酸刻薄傷人。

二、                她必須尊敬夫家的公婆長輩,以及夫家所敬信的沙門、婆羅門。當他們抵達夫家時應讓座並供給茶水;

三、                在夫家工作時,譬如棉、絲、紗一類的針織女紅,她應表現機靈、仔細,不偷懶,做好該做的事;

四、                對於夫家的僕人、使者、工人,她應知人善任,清楚知悉何人生病、何人健壯、何人虛弱,應妥善管理,按其能力分配適當的工作及任務,並公平分配每人食物及營養品;

五、                不論是財富、穀米、金、銀等財產,只要是丈夫賺來的,她不應像小偷盜賊般貪婪,應以不嗔、不輕率、不浪費的態度妥善保管;

六、                她應皈依三寶,成為在家弟子;

七、                她應有善德,不傷害一切生靈,不偷盜,不邪淫,不妄語,不飲酒;

八、                她應遠離貪婪的污染,具有慈悲心,親手去佈施、給予、奉獻所有需要幫助的人(註:沙門、婆羅門、窮人、病人、從遠地來的人…..),並給予照料。











46. At one time The Blessed One lived in Gosita's monastery in Kosambi. At that time venerable Anuruddha was in seclusion in the day time. Then several charming goddesses approached venerable Anuruddha, worshipped, stood on a side and said: "Venerable sir, we are known as charming goddesses, are superior and wield power over others in three instances. When we desire a certain colour we gain that colour appropriately When we desire a certain sound, ...re....pleasantness,...re....we gain that pleasantness appropriately. Venerable sir, we are known as charming goddesses, are superior and wield power over others in these three instances.

Then it occurred to venerable Anuruddha: "All these goddesses should be blue, clothed and decorated in blue. Those goddesses knowing his thought all became blue, dressed and decorated in blue

Then it occurred to venerable anuruddha- "All these goddesses should be yellow,...re....red, ...re... white,....re.... clothed and decorated in white. Those goddesses knowing his thought, all became white, dressed and decorated in white.

One of these goddesses sang, another danced and the other clapped to tune. Just as the fivefold music is in conformity to each other well trained and struck together and is with lovely words, enticing, capturing the mind and intoxicating, the sound of those goddesses were also with lovely words, enticing, capturing the mind and intoxicating. Then venerable Anuruddha restrained his mental faculties.

Then those goddesses saying venerable Anuruddha does not enjoy, did not sing and disappeared from there. Venerable Anuruddha that evening getting up from his seclusion approached The Blessed One, worshipped, sat on a side and said to The Blessed One:

"Here, venerable sir, I was in seclusion in the day time. Then several charming goddesses approached me, worshipped, stood on a side and said: "Venerable sir, we are known as pleasant goddesses, are superior and wield power over others in three instances. When we desire a certain colour we gain that colour appropriately When we desire a certain sound, ...re....pleasantness,...re....we gain that pleasantness appropriately. Venerable sir, we are known as charming goddesses, are superior and wield power over others in these three instances.

Then venerable sir, it occurred to me: "All these goddesses should be blue, clothed and decorated in blue. Those goddesses knowing my thought, all became blue, dressed and decorated in blue

Then it occurred to me: "All these goddesses should be yellow,...re....red, ...re... white,....re.... clothed and decorated in white. Those goddesses knowing my thought, all became white, dressed and decorated in white.

One of these goddesses sang, another danced and the other clapped to tune. Just as the fivefold music is in conformity to each other well trained and struck together and is with lovely words, enticing, capturing the mind and intoxicating, the sound of those goddesses were also with lovely words, enticing, capturing the mind and intoxicating. Then venerable sir, I restrained my mental faculties.

Then those goddesses saying venerable Anuruddha does not enjoy, did not sing and disappeared from there. Venerable sir, endowed with how many things do women after death are born with the charming goddesses?

Anuruddha, women endowed with eight things are born with the goddesses of charm after death. What eight?

Here, Anuruddha, the woman when given by her mother and father to whomever husband she lives with him desiring his good compassionate towards him and arousing compassion rising before him, going to bed after him, looking out to see what should be done for him and speaking pleasantly

Whoever elders be in the family of the husband mother or father or recluses and Brahmins reveres and honours them. At their arrival offers them seats and water.

Whatever work there be in the husband's house to make cotton or silk yarn, she becomes clever, not lazy looking out to see what should be done and getting it done.

Whoever be the slaves, messengers and workmen in the husband's home she knows who does the work and who does not do the work. She knows the sick, the powerful and the weak. She divides the eatables and nourishments among them up to the last.

Whatever the husband brings wealth, grains, gold and silver, she protects them without a thievish mind, without anger with a non -fondling and non-destructive mind.

She is a lay disciple who has taken refuge in the enlightenment, the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus

She is virtuous, abstaining from, destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaviour in sexuality, telling lies, and taking intoxicating and brewed drinks

She is benevolent with a mind free from the stains of selfishness, with open hands ready to give to the needy and arranging such gifts.

Anuruddha, women endowed with these eight things are born with the goddesses of pleasantness after death.

Be constantly zealous about the one who fosters you everyday

Do not look down on your husband who looks after all your needs.

Don't make the happy man angry with envious words

The wise attend to all needs of the elders in the husband's house.

Is not lazy, with aroused effort is attended by the junior staff.

Does not go beyond the words of the husband, protects his wealth.

If a woman lives thus within the interests of the man

She is born with the goddesses of charm..






一、                當她依照父母的意思許配給丈夫時,她必須親切與慈悲的對待她的丈夫,晚睡早起,仔細照顧丈夫,對丈夫說話時親切愉悅,不尖酸刻薄傷人。

二、                她必須尊敬夫家的公婆長輩,以及夫家所敬信的沙門、婆羅門。當他們抵達夫家時應讓座並供給茶水;

三、                在夫家工作時,譬如棉、絲、紗一類的針織女紅,她應表現機靈、仔細,不偷懶,做好該做的事;

四、                對於夫家的僕人、使者、工人,她應知人善任,清楚知悉何人生病、何人健壯、何人虛弱,應妥善管理,按其能力分配適當的工作及任務,並公平分配每人食物及營養品;

五、                不論是財富、穀米、金、銀等財產,只要是丈夫賺來的,她不應像小偷盜賊般貪婪,應以不嗔、不輕率、不浪費的態度妥善保管;

六、                她應皈依三寶,成為在家弟子;

七、                她應有善德,不傷害一切生靈,不偷盜,不邪淫,不妄語,不飲酒;

八、                她應遠離貪婪的污染,具有慈悲心,親手去佈施、給予、奉獻所有需要幫助的人(註:沙門、婆羅門、窮人、病人、從遠地來的人…..),並給予照料。











46. At one time The Blessed One lived in Gosita's monastery in Kosambi. At that time venerable Anuruddha was in seclusion in the day time. Then several charming goddesses approached venerable Anuruddha, worshipped, stood on a side and said: "Venerable sir, we are known as charming goddesses, are superior and wield power over others in three instances. When we desire a certain colour we gain that colour appropriately When we desire a certain sound, ...re....pleasantness,...re....we gain that pleasantness appropriately. Venerable sir, we are known as charming goddesses, are superior and wield power over others in these three instances.

Then it occurred to venerable Anuruddha: "All these goddesses should be blue, clothed and decorated in blue. Those goddesses knowing his thought all became blue, dressed and decorated in blue

Then it occurred to venerable anuruddha- "All these goddesses should be yellow,...re....red, ...re... white,....re.... clothed and decorated in white. Those goddesses knowing his thought, all became white, dressed and decorated in white.

One of these goddesses sang, another danced and the other clapped to tune. Just as the fivefold music is in conformity to each other well trained and struck together and is with lovely words, enticing, capturing the mind and intoxicating, the sound of those goddesses were also with lovely words, enticing, capturing the mind and intoxicating. Then venerable Anuruddha restrained his mental faculties.

Then those goddesses saying venerable Anuruddha does not enjoy, did not sing and disappeared from there. Venerable Anuruddha that evening getting up from his seclusion approached The Blessed One, worshipped, sat on a side and said to The Blessed One:

"Here, venerable sir, I was in seclusion in the day time. Then several charming goddesses approached me, worshipped, stood on a side and said: "Venerable sir, we are known as pleasant goddesses, are superior and wield power over others in three instances. When we desire a certain colour we gain that colour appropriately When we desire a certain sound, ...re....pleasantness,...re....we gain that pleasantness appropriately. Venerable sir, we are known as charming goddesses, are superior and wield power over others in these three instances.

Then venerable sir, it occurred to me: "All these goddesses should be blue, clothed and decorated in blue. Those goddesses knowing my thought, all became blue, dressed and decorated in blue

Then it occurred to me: "All these goddesses should be yellow,...re....red, ...re... white,....re.... clothed and decorated in white. Those goddesses knowing my thought, all became white, dressed and decorated in white.

One of these goddesses sang, another danced and the other clapped to tune. Just as the fivefold music is in conformity to each other well trained and struck together and is with lovely words, enticing, capturing the mind and intoxicating, the sound of those goddesses were also with lovely words, enticing, capturing the mind and intoxicating. Then venerable sir, I restrained my mental faculties.

Then those goddesses saying venerable Anuruddha does not enjoy, did not sing and disappeared from there. Venerable sir, endowed with how many things do women after death are born with the charming goddesses?

Anuruddha, women endowed with eight things are born with the goddesses of charm after death. What eight?

Here, Anuruddha, the woman when given by her mother and father to whomever husband she lives with him desiring his good compassionate towards him and arousing compassion rising before him, going to bed after him, looking out to see what should be done for him and speaking pleasantly

Whoever elders be in the family of the husband mother or father or recluses and Brahmins reveres and honours them. At their arrival offers them seats and water.

Whatever work there be in the husband's house to make cotton or silk yarn, she becomes clever, not lazy looking out to see what should be done and getting it done.

Whoever be the slaves, messengers and workmen in the husband's home she knows who does the work and who does not do the work. She knows the sick, the powerful and the weak. She divides the eatables and nourishments among them up to the last.

Whatever the husband brings wealth, grains, gold and silver, she protects them without a thievish mind, without anger with a non -fondling and non-destructive mind.

She is a lay disciple who has taken refuge in the enlightenment, the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus

She is virtuous, abstaining from, destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaviour in sexuality, telling lies, and taking intoxicating and brewed drinks

She is benevolent with a mind free from the stains of selfishness, with open hands ready to give to the needy and arranging such gifts.

Anuruddha, women endowed with these eight things are born with the goddesses of pleasantness after death.

Be constantly zealous about the one who fosters you everyday

Do not look down on your husband who looks after all your needs.

Don't make the happy man angry with envious words

The wise attend to all needs of the elders in the husband's house.

Is not lazy, with aroused effort is attended by the junior staff.

Does not go beyond the words of the husband, protects his wealth.

If a woman lives thus within the interests of the man

She is born with the goddesses of charm..

2010/6/27 上午 05:20:20

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