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----  【轉貼】SPEAK UP: ‘Linsanity’ set to hit Taiwan soon 林書豪來台掀「林來瘋」  (http://www.buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=4&id=72800)

--  作者:善達
--  發表時間:2023/3/23 上午 06:41:24
--  【轉貼】SPEAK UP: ‘Linsanity’ set to hit Taiwan soon 林書豪來台掀「林來瘋」

A: Former NBA player Jeremy Lin is returning to Taiwan. He’s joining the Kaohsiung 17LIVE Steelers of P. League+.

B: Will we see him compete with that other former NBA player — Dwight Howard?

A: Of course not. Dwight plays for Taiwan’s T1 League. But we’ll soon see Jeremy compete with his younger brother Joseph Lin, who plays for P. League+’s New Taipei Kings.

B: He led the New York Knicks to a series of victories in 2012, causing “Linsanity” across the world.

A: I can’t wait to see him play and stir up a new “Linsanity” on his home turf.

A: NBA球星林書豪要來台灣打球了,聽說他已加入P. League+高雄17直播鋼鐵 人。

B: 他有機會跟另一位NBA球星「魔獸」霍華德對戰嗎?

A: 沒有啦,「魔獸」是在T1聯盟打球,但他有機會跟效力於P. League+新北國王的 弟弟林書緯對戰。

B: 他曾在2012年帶領紐約尼克隊反敗為勝,當時在全球還掀起一陣「林來瘋」!

A: 我迫不及待想看他打球,在自己家鄉重現「林來瘋」。

(By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
