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----  【心測】六個徵象顯示你的老闆是懦夫  (http://www.buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=4&id=48840)

--  作者:Angela
--  發表時間:2016/3/29 上午 06:32:16
--  【心測】六個徵象顯示你的老闆是懦夫

1. He has others fire his direct reports.


2. She will make a decision in private, then fail to protect her people in public if it does not work.

她私下做的決定, 如果計畫不成功, 當然也就無法在公眾之下保護她的員工

3. He tells each person in private what the person “wants to hear,” which means he’s delivering different messages to each.

他私下專說每一個想聽的話, 這意味著他傳遞不同的訊息給每一人

4. She will not have face-to-face meetings to resolve conflicts.


5. He slips in a negative comment about one of your colleagues in every conversation.

他在每一次的談話中, 不經意地消極評論你的同事

6. She really never says anything personal about herself.


By Rob Wyse

Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140606205521-11075081-six-signs-your-boss-is-a-coward?trk=mp-reader-card