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----  【圖文】愛的辭典裡沒有乞丐的標籤,只有人性的善良。  (http://www.buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=24&id=38098)

--  作者:lia
--  發表時間:2013/10/26 上午 10:54:35
--  【圖文】愛的辭典裡沒有乞丐的標籤,只有人性的善良。



98歲的Dobri Dobrev,在二戰時失聰。他每天都從村莊走10 公里路來到索非亞市,度過一天行乞的生活。

一些城市教堂團體最近發現,他捐贈給需要修復的保加利亞教堂,還有孤兒院水電雜費的40,000 歐元,是他每天乞討一點一滴儲存起來的,而他每月則靠 80歐元的國家養老金生活。


98 year old Dobri Dobrev,
a man who lost his hearing in the second world war,
walks 10 kilometers from his village in his homemade
clothes and leather shoes to the city of sofia,
where he spends the day begging for money.

though a well known fixture around
several of the city’s churches,
known for his prostrations of thanks to all donors,
it was only recently discovered that he
has donated every penny he has collected —
over 40,000 euros — towards the restoration
of decaying bulgarian monasteries and churches and
the utility bills of orphanages, living instead
off his monthly state pension of 80 euros.

--  作者:wanglily6
--  發表時間:2013/10/27 下午 12:45:50
大菩薩示現.  阿彌陀佛!!!