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----  敏卓林佛學院知客接待處暨體適能場地啟建通啟  (http://www.buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=47687)

--  作者:howly168
--  發表時間:2015/11/3 上午 01:56:03
--  敏卓林佛學院知客接待處暨體適能場地啟建通啟


噯瑪火 !
仁者善友吉祥 ~
1】敏卓林佛學院之接待處 :

2】合格之體適能場地 (瑜伽練習與羽球場):


親愛的善友 :



Dear friends in the dharma ,
The reconstruction of the main classrooms and dormitory of Mindrolling Buddhist College are completed almost .
Since the college is located in northern India, many monks’ parents and relatives have to travel a long way from southern India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, etc. to visit them. However, there is no reception center at the college yet, so they must meet outside; because the college is far from town, it is very inconvenient for the visitors to find a place to stay. Therefore, we would like to ask you to help with the construction of the reception center at MindrollingBuddhist College.

1.A reception center of Mindrolling Buddhist College
Ground floor - There will be dharma  books and sturas circulation area  , two canteens, an office, a garage, and a balcony.
Upstairs – There will be two rooms and bathrooms available for students’ parents and relatives to stay overnight and for students and visitors to talk. In addition, there will be public bathrooms and a storage room.,

2. A  qualified place for doing yoga  and any physical exercise :
The Mindroling College president ,  H.H. Mindrolling Khenchen Rinpoche recognized the importance for students to improve their health in order to be able to take responsibility to propagate Dharma to the best of their ability. So, first he invited a renowned yoga teacher to teach  yoga. Now an acaryas, who is experienced in practicing yoga, continus to teach  yoga daily in order to make them healthy. Therefore, a qualified playground  are necessary for students to reduce the risks of sports injuries.

The above two projects require NT$2,000,000 ( USD.60,000 )for construction.

Rejoice in your interest and merit in supporting  the Triple Gem and  shanga  now and in the future. With your generosity more constructions  had been done for Mindrolling college .

On our long journey towards wisdom, we need the support and the inspiration of the Sangha and therefore, by supporting the venerable monks and nuns, we hope that their will be persevere in their task of preserving and propagating the teachings.
Thank You .May all is auspicious !


敏林堪千仁波切臺灣辦事處 :
【護持】郵政劃撥:5035-1331  【 戶名】:徐淑慧 ( 敬請註明護持項目 )
【護持】Paypal Donate 線上刷卡護持 : http://www.khenchenrinpoche.org/Fundraising.htm
   ( 單據 & 迴向名單請 Email 至 easternsun9@yahoo.com.tw)
【電話】0958-934288 ( 聯絡人:許居士 )  【傳真】(02)2301-0260 【信箱】 easternsun9@yahoo.com.tw

[此帖子已經被作者於2016/3/1 上午 10:55:41編輯過]