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----  尼泊爾雪謙寺最新聲明(4/28)及捐款方式  (http://www.buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=45885)

--  作者:jackwu123
--  發表時間:2015/4/28 上午 05:29:50
--  尼泊爾雪謙寺最新聲明(4/28)及捐款方式

Shechen has thousands of people camping outside in the Monastery grounds as it is still not safe to be indoors until the tremors stop.
The main temple was damaged along with other buildings in the compound.
(因為室內仍然不完全安全, 雪謙寺的學院周邊仍有數千的民眾搭帳篷露宿. 連同主要的寺院建築, 還有院區其他的一些建築也受損)

 Our monks and staff have been providing food, water and basic medical supplies to the local community outside, and especially to those
looking for refuge in the monastery grounds as the doors are open to all needing help.
(我們的僧侶及員工一直在提供飲水,食物,及簡單醫療服務給外圍的當地居民.特別是對來寺院求庇護的人們, 我們總是敞開大門提供援助)

 For those of you who are in the fortunate position to help, please make any donations you can to http://shechen.org/donate/
(對有能力提供援助的善心人士, 您可以在下列連結提供捐款 http://shechen.org/donate/ )

And for those those of you not in the position to donate, could you please help by sharing this information on your own Facebook page.

Thank you.


[此帖子已經被作者於2015/4/28 下午 05:33:59編輯過]