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----  十六世大寶法王變成藥師佛  (http://www.buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=42067)

--  作者:jackwu123
--  發表時間:2014/6/30 上午 11:55:49
--  十六世大寶法王變成藥師佛

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作者:Christine Maero

節錄自The Miraculous 16th Karmapa

 In 1976 The 16th Karmapa toured Europe.



During his brief stay the Karmapa was requested to give the

Medicine Buddha empowerment by a surgeon.


The empowerment was held in a small temple in the back garden of a large house in Cannes. There were about 12 or 15 people in the temple and the Gyalwang Karmapa seated on his throne. I was sitting, eyes closed, concentrating on the empowerment. During the ceremony I opened my eyes to look at Karmapa and saw that he was a very deep blue, the colour of lapis lazuli. I thought I was dreaming or there was something wrong with me. So I opened and closed my eyes all the way through the empowerment;but still he remained the colour of lapis lazuli. It was the form of Karmapa and something else as well; his form without being his form. When the empowerment was finished, he went back to his room to rest. I turned to my close friend and said, “I saw something strange. Karmapa was blue.” And she said, “Yes, I saw it also!” It turned out that all the people in the room saw the same thing.That was the power of the Karmapa.

 這灌頂於康城一大宅後院內的小寺廟舉行。大約有十二至十五位弟子在寺廟裡,而噶瑪巴就坐在法座上。我閉起雙眼坐著,集中於領受灌頂。當灌頂進行時,我張開眼睛看噶瑪巴時,他像變成一種非常深的藍青金石顏色。它像是噶瑪巴但又同時似其他形象;他的形態不像是他的。當灌頂圓滿後,法王返回他的房間休息。我和我的好朋友說:"我見到一些奇妙的事。噶瑪巴是藍色的。 " 然後她說:"是,我也看到! " 事實上所有在這房間的人也看到同樣的現象。這就是噶瑪巴的力量。

After the Medicine Buddha empowerment we all had a private audience with Karmapa. We had to go into the room one at a time. He put his hand on our head for 10 minutes and gave us our personal yidam. That was another very special experience. It was an experience of the nature of mind, the true dharmakaya....

 In 2006 I went to meet the 17th Karmapa OgyenTrinley Dorje. I was sitting with some Spanish people who had also known the16th, and His Holiness singled out each one of us and came to each of us separately. He looked at me in such a way that I knew he recognised me, and in his look I saw the 16th Karmapa. Afterwards I spoke to the Spanish disciples who confirmed it. We all had the same experience.

在藥師佛灌頂後,我們都被安排與噶瑪巴私人會面。我們每人都單獨進入房間。法王將他的手放在我們的頭達十分鐘給予我們自己本尊的加持。這是另外一件非常特別的經驗。這是心的本質的體驗,真正的法身..... 2006年我去拜見第十七世大寶法王鄔金欽列多傑。我和一些西班牙弟子坐在一起,他們也認識第十六世大寶法王,而法王亦個別認出我們而且單獨的走去我們每一個人的面前。他看著我時我就知道他認出了我,而我從他的眼神中看見第十六世大寶法王噶瑪巴。之後我跟西班牙弟子提起,他們也有同樣的感受。我們全都有一樣的體驗。


--  作者:lin555
--  發表時間:2014/7/3 上午 11:41:40
--  作者:zeldan
--  發表時間:2014/7/3 上午 03:35:39