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----  請將生命的原始真理牢記於心~尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切2014的祝福與期許  (http://www.buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=40586)

--  作者:howly168
--  發表時間:2014/3/18 上午 10:45:59
--  請將生命的原始真理牢記於心~尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切2014的祝福與期許









New Year Message from H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche


Dear friends in Dharma , 

Please accept my most heartfelt and sincerest greetings for Losar; I wish your family, your team at work and you a blessed and cheerful year ahead. 

As the years roll by, our hopes and expectations change and we need to be aware that we are heading closer to death. Over the years, we have experienced the impermanence of life, lost loved ones, welcomed new babies, celebrated successes and encountered failures. Every year, we create aspirations for better lives, more successes, happier marriages, more happy babies and whatever material wealth we desire.

When we look back at life, we realize nothing much has really changed. All our hopes and aspirations are the same in our outer world; however, we seldom aspire to change our inner strength. Wanting more materialistic and samsaric pleasures causes nothing less than severe anxiety, and it challenges our physical, emotional and mental wellness.

Despite our being subliminally aware of the futility of samsara, our habitual tendencies to seek its pleasures and experience its pains is cyclical. Do you ever think this is wasting our precious human birth? We have so much inner growth to achieve in this short span of time. When we die, we take nothing along.

Keep in mind, this primordial truth of life, I wish you all the grace of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to find that inner need to find a spiritual path; to have all good thoughts and actions to help you become a wonderful and good human being.

I pray that you find all the purposes to live a good life, to be generous in heart, have a universal approach of loving kindness and build a resource of good karma for all our future lives. 

With this hope, I wish you all a very happy new year. I pray for your good health, long life and may you find dharma to be your constant companion. 


Minling Khenchen Rinpoche 

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--  作者:zeldan
--  發表時間:2014/3/20 上午 03:30:43