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----  敏林堪千仁波切 :「欲樂阻修心, 苦行削智能」~佛陀於初轉法輪的宣說  (http://www.buddhanet.idv.tw/aspboard/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=36402)

--  作者:howly168
--  發表時間:2013/7/12 上午 10:02:15
--  敏林堪千仁波切 :「欲樂阻修心, 苦行削智能」~佛陀於初轉法輪的宣說


尊貴的上師 敏林堪千仁波切,於2013 藏曆佛陀初轉法輪日之殊勝日前,

特地捎來佛陀於成佛之後於鹿野苑向跟隨他的五位沙門第一次宣說佛法的開示。仁波切期盼大家於佛陀初轉法輪之殊勝日能憶念佛恩,並就佛陀的初次開示再次深切的聞思修;並祝福大家於實踐、修習中道法中, 瞭悟四聖諦, 而能漸次邁入大圓滿。














佛陀對五比丘宣說了可行的中道修行方法。 眾生修習中道法, 可證悟四聖諦,。佛陀於《轉法輪經》中明確的提出中道即八聖道。

佛陀開示後, 憍陳如首先開法眼, 佛陀說「憍陳如證悟了」(aññāsi vata bho Koņḍañño), 從此被稱為阿若憍陳如。諸天眾皆歡喜讚嘆。


佛初轉法輪 / 欲樂阻修心, 苦行削智能/ 12th .July 2013 is the day of the buddha turning the wheel of dharm




佛陀第一次所說的法要即稱為《轉法輪經》(Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta),意指真理之輪已然轉起。






1. 正思維:正確瞭知四聖諦。

2. 正見:具備三種正思維,包括 :

a. 能捨離一切 ( 能夠放下貪執之出離思維) 的態度

b. 能隨喜一切眾生,但關鍵是不與惡法相應

( 滅除嗔怒,生起慈心之無恚思維 )

c. 不傷害一切眾生,即是不與殘忍相應 (滅除殘忍,生起悲心之無害思維 )

3. 正語: 不妄語、不慢語、不惡語、不謗語、不綺語、不暴語,遠離一切戲論。

4. 正業 ( 合乎佛法的正確活動、行為、工作 ) 包含遠離一切殺、盜、淫業。

5. 正命: 包括遠離五種惡業,過道德的生活。

此五種惡業包括: 販賣軍火、販售眾生(動物養殖屠宰)、販賣醉人的飲品、販毒。

6. 正精進: 包含禪修的四個部分

a. 已生惡令斷;b. 未生惡令不生;c. 未生善令生;d. 已生善令增長。

7. 正念也包括四個部分,包括身念住、受念住、心念住和法念住。

8. 正定便是在禪修中讓心住一處。


戒律 (道德的行為) 正語、正業、正命

正定 (禪修中專注的心) 正精進、正念、正定

般若 (智慧):正見、正思維為慧學。

此三學道德( )、專注 () 和智慧( ) —即是走向清淨心之道的三個階段,而涅槃即是其所緣;此間過程於殊勝的偈頌中描述著:


( 止一切惡,修一切善,自淨其意,此即一切諸佛的教導)

─敏林堪千仁波切 2013.7


(( 12th .July 2013 is the day of the buddha truning the first wheel of dharm ))


Forty-nine days after Buddha attained enlightenment, as a result of requests he rose from meditation and taught the first Wheel of Dharma. These teachings, which include the Sutra of the Four Noble Truths and other discourses, are the principal source of the Hinayana, or Lesser Vehicle, of Buddhism.

The Buddha\'s first teaching was called the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, which means the Turning of the Wheel of Truth.

This discourse was given to the five ascetics who were his former companions, at the Deer Park in Isipatana (now called Sarnath), near Benares, India. Many devas and brahmas (angels and gods) were present to listen to the discourse.

The Buddha started the discourse by advising the five ascetics to give up two extremes. These were indulgence in sensual pleasures and the tormenting of the body (self-indulgence and self-mortification).  

He advised against too much sensual pleasure because these pleasures were base, worldly, not noble and unhelpful in spiritual development. On the other hand, tormenting the body was painful, not noble and also unhelpful in spiritual development. He advised them to follow the Middle Way, which is helpful in seeing things clearly, as they are, and in attaining knowledge, higher wisdom, peace, and enlightenment or nirvana.

The Buddha then taught the five ascetics the Four Noble Truths. They are: the truth of suffering; its cause; its end; and the way to its end. Everything in this world is full of suffering, and the cause of suffering is craving. The end of suffering is nirvana. The way to the end of suffering is via the Noble The Noble Eightfold Path has eight parts or factors:

1. Right understanding means to know and understand the Four Noble Truths.

2. Right attitude means to have three kinds of thoughts or attitudes:

(i) Thoughts of renunciation or an attitude of "letting go".(ii) Thoughts of goodwill to others, which are opposed to ill will.(iii) Thoughts of harmlessness, as opposed to cruelty.

3. Right speech deals with refraining from falsehood, such as telling lies or not telling the truth; tale-bearing or saying bad things about other people; harsh words and frivolous talk such as gossiping.

4. Right action deals with refraining from killing, stealing and sexual misconduct.

5. Right livelihood deals with the five kinds of trade which should be avoided in order to lead a noble life. They are: trading in arms (weapons), living beings (breeding animals for slaughter), intoxicating drinks and poison.

6. Right effort has four parts using meditation:

(i) To try to stop unwholesome thoughts that have arisen(ii) To prevent unwholesome thoughts from arising.(iii) To try to develop good thoughts(iv) To try to maintain good thoughts that have arisen

7. Right mindfulness is also fourfold. It is mindfulness of the body, mindfulness of feelings/sensations, mindfulness of thoughts passing through the mind and mindfulness of Dharma.

8. Right concentration is one-pointedness of mind as developed in meditation.

These eight factors can be grouped into three smaller groups, as follows:

Sila (morality)

right speech, right action, right livelihood.

Samadhi (concentrated mind in meditation)

right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.

Panna (wisdom)

right attitude, right understanding.

These three — morality, concentration and wisdom — are the three stages on the path to mental purity whose object is nirvana. These stages are described in a beautiful verse:

To cease from evil,

To do what is good.

To cleanse one\'s mind:

This is the advice of all the Buddhas.

Minling Khenchen Rinpoche

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--  作者:howly168
--  發表時間:2013/7/12 上午 10:53:04

Dear all:
