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--  作者:g8711711
--  發表時間:2009/6/30 上午 01:29:08
--  敏林堪千仁波切說故事

七年前的壹月分,正值菩提伽耶舉行寧瑪茉蘭千茉大法會,敏卓林雅久寧瑪佛學院一位著名的上師蔣巴策林堪布( Khenpo Jamphel Tsering )並沒有和其他大仁波切及居士們一起出席茉蘭千茉,反而獨自在喜馬偕爾邦。

恰巧當時,蔣巴策林堪布的一位好友貝瑪南嘉( Pema Namgyal )在喜馬偕爾邦往生了。敏林堪千仁波切和貝瑪南嘉也非常友好。隔夜,蔣巴策林堪布作了一個夢;他看見一頭豬被一個獵人緊追不放。




 尊貴的   敏林堪千仁波切希望與您分享這個故事,藉此提醒大家成為一個具善行者,並以善行讓自己及他人都受惠。您的此一生,是有價值的,是以切莫蹉跎此生。生命得來不易,一定要好好珍惜。




Monlan Chenmo World Peace Prayers in Bodhgaya





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2010 World Peace Brochure


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World peace broche and photos 相關照片】:




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A Short Story Told By Khenchen Rinpoche

Seven years ago in January during the time of the Nyingma Monlam Chemo in Bodhgaya, Khenpo Jamphel Tsering, one of the prominent Ngagyur
      College teachers, was in Himachal Pradesh rather than attending the Monlam with all the other senior monks and lay people. 

As it so happened at that same time there in Himachal Pradesh, a close friend to Khenpo Tsering named Pema Namgyal passed away. Khenchen Rinpoche also knew Pema Namgyal very well. Subsequently one night, Khenpo had a visionary dream in which he saw a pig being chased by hunters.  

In the dream, the pig was running towards Khenpo where he was sitting, and started to talk saying, “Do you recognize me? I am Pema Namgyal! I am Pema Namgyal! Due to my bad karma during my lifetime, I have now been born in this form. I would like to request that you please make offerings to Monlam Chenmo in Bodhgaya on my behalf.” After saying this to Khenpo, the pig ran away as the hunters were getting close to him. Suddenly he was pulled inside the vast desert-like sand and after which the hunters were also pulled inside. Khenpo woke up, saw that the time was 4.30 am, and immediately departed for Bodhgaya where the Nyingma Monlam Chenmo was taking place. As requested, Khenpo made as many offerings as possible for his friend Pema Namgyal.

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Again, Khenchen Rinpoche would like to thank all of our donors for their kind contribution and hope this year we will be able to make the 2010 Monlam Chenmo even more beneficial to all beings, whether deceased, living, or yet to be born. We dedicate the Monlam Chenmo of 2010 to the Long Life of our Teachers and mentors and request that they guide us forward on our life\'s journey.


Monlan Chenmo World Peace Prayers in Bodhgaya

The Nyingma Monlam Chenmo, also known as the Great World Peace Prayer Ceremony, has been held annually since 1989, as the result of a unique congregation of many great enlightened Nyingma masters, yogis, Tulkus, Khenpos, monks, nuns, ngakpas, lay people and western Buddhists who had assembled at Bodhgaya to express their devotion. This is the place where Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment and is the most sacred and holy place of pilgrimage for all Buddhists.  

This very sacred gathering offers 10-14 days of prayers for World Peace and the liberation of all sentient beings. Currently over 1600 monasteries register and the ceremonies are attended by over 10,000 senior monks, nuns, Tulkus, Khenpos, and ngakpas as well as by lay people from all over the world. Food and accommodations are provided to all by the Monlam Chenmo Organization which is achieved largely by the contributions received from generous donors. Some of the expenses for the event include the daily offerings and Tsog, travel expenses and vegetarian meals for all of the sangha, office expenses, banners, electric lamps, power bills, etc.  

Recently past prayer ceremonies have been sponsored by H.E. Dharthang Rinpoche, H.H. Penor Rinpoche, H.E. Khenchen Rinpoche, and Khenpo Chowang. Khenchen Rinpoche, as Vice President of Monlam Chenmo Organization, will sponsor the World Peace Prayers again in 2010 and 2011.

The success of the Monlam for over 20 years reflects the immense generosity of precious donors as well as the ability and effort of all the participants taking a collective responsibility and working together effectively – with true and sincere inspiration, motivation, and commitment directed towards achieving peace, happiness and the longevity of the Dharma ni this world. 

敬請連結敏林堪千仁波切唯一中文官網:【敏林堪千仁波切的達瑪師利語自在秘密宮殿】( The Eastern Sun  Group•敏卓林佛學院編輯團隊),謝謝!







[此帖子已經被作者於2009/7/1 上午 11:14:15編輯過]